Fox "News" Goes John Madden

These people never cease to amaze me. Fox “News” borrowed a page from the John Madden broadcast analysis playbook literally today. The use of the infamous Telestrator by Madden is not only limited to drawing receiver routes, X’s & O’s, and “Circle Me Madden” sign fans. In the it’s ongoing coverage of the War On Terror, retired Major General Bob Scales informed viewers of the “Cone Of Instability.”

CJR Daily has more:

You see, Scales explains, the military is sending advisors abroad “in order to get a step ahead of some of these terror networks in the war on terror. ” It’s a four-front deployment. First, as everyone knows the “heartland of the insurgency has been right here in the Middle East.” But there are other flanks, as well. “It has an eastern flank which is the Muslim area of Southeast Asia.” And, “It also has a western flank and that’s in Trans-Saharan Africa and the horn of Africa.”

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